Last modified by Iris Spruit on 2024/07/26 13:20


BIOPAC equipment is used to measure physiological signals, such as ECG, skin conductance, etc. The data is normally recording with the BIOPAC AcqKnowledge software.


BIOPAC MP160 with AMI100D

Availability, support and advice

A BIOPAC setup can be borrowed from SOLO through the Helpdesk. SOLO has various modules available. BIOPAC is supported by SOLO, for questions please contact


When a participant is connected to an MP system, never connect other laboratory equipment to the MP system without using suitable isolation.

Please contact if you need help with your setup. 

See for more information:


In general, only one ground is required per participant in a wired setup. A ground is provided through the VIn- or I IN connection for the EDA100C (GSR100C), EBI100C or NICO100C. A disadvantage is that movement artifacts can disturb all signals. This can be solved by connecting the ground with CBL205.

An exception to this rule is when you use EDA100D (smart amplifier). When using this amplifier, one ground connection from the subject to another amplifier is still required if any biopotential recordings are included. The ground connections for all other D-series amplifiers (smart amplifiers) connect to system ground just like the C-series amplifiers.

When it comes to grounding, always check Grounding guidelines | BIOPAC


To analyze physiological data obtained with Biopac, markers that signal the onset of certain events need to be sent from stimulus presentation pc to the Biopac device. See for more information on sending markers the pages Sending Markers in E-Prime and Sending Markers in OpenSesame and the Markers and Events page for more information on markers in general.


At SSH Leiden we work with BIOPAC MP150/160 setups. These setups are great for measuring physiology in the lab. The setup consists of an MP150 or MP160 unit, an STP100C module, an UIM100C and/or HLT100C module, and one or more physiological modules, such as ECG or EDA. When multiple modules are used (e.g. ECG and EDA), it is important that no two amplifiers are set to the same channel. If two amplifiers are set to the same channel, one or both signals will be erroneous.

Below, a description of some of the different modules is given. Note that this list is not exhaustive, but gives an overview of modules (commonly) used at SSH Leiden. See the BIOPAC website for more products.

Biopac basics


  • MP150/160
    The MP150 or MP160 unit is the basis of a (lab) BIOPAC setup (note that BIOPAC systems without a MP150/160 exist, for example a logger). This unit is connected to power and through network cable to the PC on which the data is recorded. Note that the MP160 is a newer model than the MP150 and BIOPAC currently only sells the MP160, however, the MP150 can be used just as well.
  • STP100C
    The STP100C is an isolated digital interface which main purpose is that it can receive digital inputs. This enables users to send markers from the stimulus PC (on which stimulus presentation software such as E-Prime or OpenSesame is running) to the BIOPAC system. These digital inputs (markers) can be recorded as signals. The STP100C also has digital outputs and an external trigger input. Note that the STP100C safely isolates the digital inputs and outputs to and from the MP system. 
  • UIM100C
    The UIM100C (Universal Interface Module) is used to connect the physiological modules from the 100C series to the rest of the MP150 system. Note that this unit is used with MP150 systems, for MP160 systems the HLT100C is included. The UIM100C features 16 analog input channels and 2 analog output channels through 3.5 mm jack. For electrical safety reasons, when using the analog input channels, an Input Signal Isolator (INISO) is required! Do not plug anything in these channels, unless you absolutely know what you are doing!
  • HLT100C
    The HLT100C (High Level Transducer) is similar to the UIM100C and comes standard with the MP160. It features 16 analog input channels and 2 analog output channels through RJ11 jacks. For electrical safety reasons, when using the analog input channels, an Input Signal Isolator (INISO) is required! Do not plug anything in these channels, unless you absolutely know what you are doing!
  • AMI100D
    The AMI100D (Amplifier Input Module) is used to connect the smart amplifiers to the MP160 unit. It features 16 input channels and 2 output channels. For electrical safety reasons, when connecting external equipment to the AMI100D, make sure an INISOA is used for proper isolation. Do not plug anything other than the smart amplifiers in the AMI100D, unless you absolutely know what you are doing!

100C Series

General information

The 100C series amplifier modules snap on to the UIM100C or HLT100C and connect to the MP150/160 system. The 100C series modules are all wired (i.e. wires go directly from the module itself to the participant).

Most (if not all) modules have settings on the module itself which can be altered with toggle switches. Normally, these settings are:

  • Gain. A higher gain will amplify the signal more than a lower gain. When the signal is small, the gain can be increased. When the signal is high, it can be decreased.
  • Low-Pass filter (LP). Filters the signal using a low-pass filter, i.e. it passes frequencies below the cutoff frequency. When there are multiple low-pass filters, the lowest low-pass filter will be applied to the data (see here).
  • High-Pass filter (HP). Filters the signal using a high-pass filter, i.e. it passes frequencies above the cutoff frequency. When there are multiple high-pass filters, the highest high-pass filter will be applied to the data (see here).

Adding a 100C module to an AcqKnowledge graph or template

To add a 100C module to an AcqKnowledge graph or template, go to MP150/160 > Set Up Data Acquisition. Click Add New Module. Click on the desired 100C module, then Add. Drag the switch to the channel that corresponds to the switch on top of the module. When using multiple modules, make sure each module uses a different channel.



With the ECG100C one can measure electrocardiography (ECG). Usually only one module is used allowing for 1-lead measurements, which is suitable for QRS wave detection.


The ECG100C has the basic settings (Gain, LP and HP) as mentioned under General information. Additionally, it has the Mode setting which can be set to R-wave indicator (R-wave) or Normal (Norm). Normal outputs the ECG signal as is. When set to the R-wave indicator, the output signal will produce a smoothed positive peak every time the R-wave is detected.

Default settings:

  • Gain = 2000
  • Mode = NORM
  • 35HzLPN = On / 35HzLPN
  • HP = 0.5 Hz / 1.0 Hz

Leads: The ECG100C is typically used with the following leads. Optionally, the leads can be extended with an MEC110C. 

  • LEAD-110S-R (red shielded lead) connected to VIN+ (and shield)
  • LEAD-110 (black unshielded lead) connected to GND
  • LEAD-110S-W (white shielded lead) connected to VN- (and shield)

Electrodes: Usually, ECG is measured using disposable Ag/AgCl ECG electrodes (see Lab Supplies).

More info:

  • The ECG protocol contains more information on the whole procedure of measuring ECG.
  • The ECG100C product sheet contains technical details.
  • The Hygiene Protocol contains more information on the hygiene measures that need to be taken when conducting research with participants.


With the EDA100C (or GSR100C, which is the older model, but works exactly the same) one can measure skin conductance. When using the EDA100C with other biopotential amplifiers (such as the ECG100C) attached to the same subject, do not attach the ground lead from the biopotential amplifier (e.g. ECG100C) to the subject. When it comes to grounding, always check Grounding guidelines | BIOPAC.


The EDA/GSR100C has the basic settings (Gain, LP and HP) as mentioned under General information.

Default settings:

  • Gain = 5µS/V
  • LP = 10 Hz
  • HP = DC
  • HP = DC

Leads: The EDA100C/GSR100C is used with the following leads:

  • Two LEAD-110 (black unshielded lead) connected to VIN+ and VIN-

Electrodes: Usually, EDA is measured with dry disposable EDA electrodes on which some isotonic gel is applied (see Lab Supplies).

More info:


With the EMG100C one can measure electromyography (muscle activity). One EMG100C module allows measurement of activity over one muscle/spot.


The EMG100C has the basic settings (Gain, LP and HP) as mentioned under General information.

Default settings:

  • Gain = 2000
  • LP = 500 Hz
  • 100HzHP = Off
  • HP = 10 Hz


When measuring EMG, the EMG100C is typically used with the following leads:

  • LEAD-110S-R (red shielded lead) connected to VIN+ (and shield)
  • LEAD-110 (black unshielded lead) connected to GND
  • LEAD-110S-W (white shielded lead) connected to VN- (and shield)

When measuring facial EMG (fEMG), the EMG100C is typically used with the following leads (note that only one ground lead is required when multiple EMG100C modules are used, see also Grounding guidelines | BIOPAC):

  • Two EL254S (shielded 4 mm electrodes) leads connected to V+ and V- (and shields)
  • One EL254 (unshielded 4 mm electrode) lead connected to GND


When measuring EMG use the disposable Ag/AgCl ECG electrodes (see Lab Supplies).

When measuring fEMG the leads (EL254S and EL254) include the electrode. These reusable electrodes are used with electrode sticker rings and Signa gel and should be cleaned after use (see the fEMG protocol for more info).

More info:


With the SKT100C one can measure skin temperature.

The SKT100C has the basic settings (Gain, LP and HP) as mentioned under General information. To measure absolute temperature, set the HP settings to DC. To measure relative temperature changes, use a HP filter of 0.05 Hz or 0.5 Hz (see SKT100C product sheet for more info). When adding an SKT100C channel in AcqKnowledge, the temperate units can be set to Fahrenheit or Celsius.

Default settings:

  • Gain = 1 ºF/V
  • LP = 1.0 Hz
  • HP = DC
  • HP = DC
  • Temperature units = Fahrenheit


  • Different temperature transducers can be used (see an overview Fast Response Thermistor). At SSH Leiden only the TSD202A is used. 

Add the module as described under Adding a 100C module to an AcqKnowledge graph or template. To measure absolute temperature in ºC, make sure to set both HP filters to DC and the Temperature units the Celsius. With these settings, the channel does not need further calibration. 

More info:


The DA100C is a general purpose amplifier, that works with different transducers.

The DA100C has the basic settings (Gain, LP and HP) as mentioned under General information. When adding a DA100C channel in AcqKnowledge, the device that is connected to the DA100C needs to be specified (Connected to). 

Default settings:

  • Gain = 1000 
  • 10HzLP = Off
  • LP = 300 Hz
  • HP = DC
  • Connected to = TCI - Custom


  • The hand dynamometer TSD121C is used to measure gripping force.

More info:

  • The DA100C product sheet contains technical details.
  • The Hygiene Protocol contains information on the hygiene measures that need to be taken when conducting research with participants.



BioNomadix modules are wireless systems with a small transmitter unit close to the participant, and a receiver unit which is used in combination with an MP150/160 unit, or alternatively with a logger (for field recordings). BioNomadix modules snap directly on to the MP150/160 or the STP100C. The BioNomadix receiver units have toggle switches, just like the 100C series modules. However, these toggle switches do not control gain and filter settings, but only channel selection (X or Y column and channel number). For more information, an overview of all BioNomadix modules and instructions on how to use them, see the BioNomadix series product sheet.

Important notes:

  • Charging the transmitter. The BioNomadix transmitter units need to be charged. When charging, make sure the transmitter is turned off.
  • Use transmitter and receiver in pairs. The transmitter and receiver unit are used in pairs and are not interchangeable. Make sure you have the correct transmitter with the correct receiver (check the serial number to verify).
  • Interferences in data transmission. A good connection between transmitter and receiver is necessary for good data quality. Make sure that there are no obstructions between the transmitter and receiver and that the transmitter and receiver are not placed too far from each other. Unfortunately, the occurrence of short data transmission interferences cannot be excluded. These interferences are visualized by flat lines, at the value that was last being received. Usually these interferences are very short (one or a few samples) and will not influence the data significantly.



With the RSPEC one can measure respiration and ECG.


  • Use the BN-EL45-LEAD3 (3x45cm leads for BioNomadix) to measure ECG.


  • Usually, ECG is measured with disposable Ag/AgCl ECG electrodes (see Lab Supplies).


  • Use the BioNomadix respiration transducer (BN-RESP-XDCR) with a body strap (RXSTRAP-RSP) to measure respiration.


  • The RSPEC transmitter can be attached to a BioNomadix velcro strap with size 137 cm (BN-STRAP-137), which can be tied around the waist of the participant. 

More info:

  • The ECG protocol contains the whole procedure of measuring ECG.
  • The Respiration page contains more information on measuring respiration.
  • The Hygiene Protocol contains more information on the hygiene measures that need to be taken when conducting research with participants.
  • The BioNomadix product sheet contains technical details.


With the PPGED one can measure photoplethysmography (PPG) and skin conductance (or electrodermal activity, i.e. EDA). 


  • Use the BN-EDA-LEAD2 (EDA leads for BioNomadix) for the EDA channel.


  • Usually, EDA is measured with dry EDA electrodes on which some isotonic gel is applied (see Lab Supplies).


  • Use the BioNomadix pulse transducer (BN-PULSE-XDCR or BN-PULSEEAR-XDR) to measure PPG.


  • The PPGED transmitter can be attached to a BioNomadix velcro strap with size 33 cm (BN-STRAP-33), which can be tied around the wrist of the participant.

More info:


With the EMG2 one can measure two channels of EMG. This module can be used to measure facial EMG over the corrugator and zygomaticus muscles. 


  • Use one pair of BN-EL15-LEAD3 (3x15cm leads for BioNomadix) and one pair of BN-EL15-LEAD2 (2x15cm leads for BioNomadix). The 3 leads contain the ground lead (black). Connect this lead pair to the channel that contains the ground.



  • The EMG2 transmitter can be attached to a BioNomadix velcro strap with size 76 cm (BN-STRAP-76), which can be tied around the participant's head.

More info:


With the NICO module one can measure impedance cardiography (ICG).


  • Use two pairs BN-EL50-LEAD4 (4x50cm leads for BioNomadix) to connect to both channels (In and Out).


  • Usually, 8 disposable Ag/AgCl ECG electrodes are used to measure ICG (see Lab Supplies).


  • The NICO transmitter can be attached to a BioNomadix velcro strap with size 137 cm (BN-STRAP-137), which can be tied around the waist of the participant.

More info:

Smart amplifiers


The smart amplifiers are small amplifier units. Unlike the 100C amplifiers or the BioNomadix receiver units, they do not snap on to the side of the MP150/160 module. Instead, they are plugged into an Amplifier Input Module (AMI100D) and the AMI100D is plugged into the MP150/160 module. This allows for amplification of the signal close to the participant. Also, the Biopac module unit is kept relatively small. See the Smart Amplifiers product sheet for more information. 

Important notes:

  • AcqKnowledge 5.0.5 or higher. To use smart amplifiers AcqKnowledge version 5.0.5 or higher is required. 
  • Digital channel 15. Digital channel 15 is used for communication with the AMI100D and the smart amps. This has the following consequences:
    • Digital channel 15 must be set high when 1) AcqKnowledge is launched, 2) during channel setup when AcqKnowledge needs to detect the smart amplifiers, and 3) when the recording is started. When nothin is connected to the digital channels (such as a parallel cable for sending markers), the channel is normally set high. However, when something is connected, the software controlling it must set channel 15 high (normally this is bit 7, or value 128) during the beforementioned periods.
    • Digital channel 15 cannot be used as digital input channel. This means that when markers are sent through parallel port only 7 bits can be used instead of 8 and thus only values up to 127 can be used instead of values up to 255. See here for more information about setting up the marker channel in AcqKnowledge and here for more information about markers in general.



With the ECG100D smart amplifier one can measure ECG.



  • Usually, ECG is measured with disposable Ag/AgCl ECG electrodes (see Lab Supplies).

More info:


With the EDA100D one can measure skin conductance (or electrodermal activity, i.e. EDA). 


  • Use BN-EDA-LEAD2 (EDA leads).


  • Usually, EDA is measured with dry EDA electrodes on which some isotonic gel is applied (see Lab Supplies).

More info:


With the NICO100D smart amplifier one can measure impedance cardiography (ICG).


  • Use a LEAD132 (an 8-clip lead for NICO100D).


  • Usually, 8 disposable Ag/AgCl ECG electrodes are used to measure ICG (see Lab Supplies).

More info:



The NIBP100E is a noninvasive blood pressure device. The NIBP100E outputs a continuous blood pressure waveform. Additionally, values of mean, systolic, diastolic and pulse rate can be obtained. Using NIBP100E requires AcqKnowledge 5.0.7 or higher. 


  • The NIBP100E includes three different sizes of finger and arm cuffs. 

More info:


The OXY100E measures blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) noninvasively. The OXY100E outputs four signals:

  • SpOvalue
  • Pulse Plethysmogram
  • Heart pulse rate
  • Module status


  • The OXY100E uses an ear clip SpO2 transducer (TSD124B) or finger clip SpO2 transducer (TSD124D). Currently, only an ear clip transducer is available at SSH Leiden.

More info:


The BIOPAC EL-CHECK device is an electrode impedance checker device. This device should be used when impedance needs to be kept to a minimum to ensure good data quality. For example, its usage is recommended when measuring fEMG. An EL-CHECK device can be borrowed from SOLO through the Helpdesk. More information on how to use the EL-CHECK can be found in the fEMG protocol or can be found on the BIOPAC website (including a video).
