Lab Supplies
All protective and cleaning materials used at the Social Sciences and Humanities at Leiden Universiyt are purchased by or through SOLO before conducting any type of human-related research. This step guarantees that all materials are of the same quality. SOLO uses Incidin Oxiwipes for cleaning and disinfecting the lab areas. The Incidin Oxywipe disposable wipes are impregnated to allow for a quick and user-friendly disinfection. If Incidin Oxywipes are not available, SOLO will provide an approved alternative.
Disposables can be picked up at the SOLO desk in the Pieter de la Court building room 1B11 or the Sylvius building room 2.5.01. When a large quantity of supplies is required, please e-mail labsupport@fsw.leidenuniv well in advance to check whether the supplies are in stock.
List of disposables in stock
- Disposable Ag\AgCl electrodes for ECG
- Disposable Ag\AgCl electrodes for EDA/GSR (dry)
- Incidin OxyWipe
- Incidin Pro
- Tissues
- Alcohol wipes
- Non-woven swabs
- Cotton swabs (Q-tips)
- Abrasive pads (ELPAD from Biopac)
- Microfiber cloth
- Zeiss lens wipes
- Lens and screen cleaning spray (from Unbound)
- Hygienic handgel
- Disposable gloves sizes S, M, L
- Hygienic covers for headphones
- Hygienic covers for VR glasses
- Hairnets
- Isotonic gel GEL101A (for dry EDA electrodes)
- Signa electrode gel
- NuPrep scrub gel
- Medical tape 2.5 cm and 1.25 cm
- Electrode sticker rings 13x5 mm and 19x4 mm
- Blunt needles (unsterilized)
- Plastic syringes with curved tip
- Toothbrushes (for cleaning purposes)
- Batteries AA, AAA, 9V (batteries are only available for lab equipment)