Calamity Protocol

Last modified by Iris Spruit on 2025/01/24 15:22



All researchers should know what to do in case of an emergency. Please read the calamity protocol very carefully so you are prepared. In addition, relevant phone numbers can be found on all lab doors.

Calamity Protocol

Medical emergencies

Medical emergencies (for example, the person is unresponsive, having convulsions, a heart attack or less serious symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, (near) fainting):

  • Ensure that the person is safe (disconnect any equipment, sit or lay the participant down on the floor so that they cannot hurt themselves);
  • Call reception: +31 (0)71 527 3701 (4444 in Sylvius). This number can also be found on the lab signs on the inside and outside of all doors leading from a lab into the corridor. All labs are equipped with a land line telephone, inform yourself where this phone is before starting in the lab. This phone is also provided with an orange sticker with the emergency number. Reception will call for the appropriate type of assistance, for example from the First Aid/Emergency Response Officer (BHV);
  • Briefly describe the situation;
  • Give your location: floor, room number, specific location if there are several smaller rooms within the space;
  • State whether the door to the corridor is open or locked;
  • Ensure that the space is accessible: get someone to open the door and ask this person to wait for the emergency services at the entrance [to the space], so that they can be taken directly to the right place;
  • Then call someone from the research team (preferably the supervisor), and then the lab coordinator;
  • Normally, the First Aider / Emergency Response Officer will only leave when the person has recovered, or is recovering but is out of danger past. Should the participant’s condition deteriorate, please phone +31 (0)71 527 3701 (4444 in Sylvius) again. If the participant does recover: the First Aider / Emergency Response Officer will brief you on the procedures to follow after an incident. This will roughly involve the following, but do follow any instructions from your First Aider / Emergency Response Officer carefully;
  • Ask the patient what they think caused the incident (without suggesting causes yourself);
  • Ask the patient if they are happy to leave by themselves or whether they can call someone to accompany them home. In all events, walk with them to the exit, to observe whether they have definitely recovered;
  • Phone the participant the next day at the latest to ask how they are doing; if necessary, phone back until they have completely recovered. Do warn the participant that you will call;
  • If symptoms persist or if the participant is at all worried, advise them to contact their GP.

Participant in danger

  • Electrical current passing through someone’s body: Press the red button in the study leader’s space, if present.
  • Then follow procedure for medical emergencies.

Fire / Explosion

  • Call reception and report the situation: +31 (0)71 527 3701 (4444 in Sylvius);
  • Clear the lab: disconnect the participant from any equipment as quickly as possible and leave via the nearest (emergency) exit. Do not use the elevator;
  • In the event of an acute fire incident, set off the fire alarm by breaking the glass in the hallway; various people will respond immediately and the fire brigade will be automatically notified.

Evacuation signal building (slow‐whoop)

  • Evacuate the lab: disconnect the participant as quickly as possible and leave together via the nearest (emergency) exit.


  • Shout for help;
  • Call for help ASAP. This should in the first instance be a receptionist: +31 (0)71 527 3701 (4444 in Sylvius).

If you are expecting problems: ensure you are not alone in the lab and always apply the four eyes principle.