OpenSesame Workshop 2022
OpenSesame Staff Training October 10th and 17th
After a successful workshop last May, SOLO is organizing another 2-day staff-training workshop this October, hosted by the developers of OpenSesame themselves. The workshop will consist of a structured introduction for beginners on the first day (no prior knowledge needed!), and address more advanced topics and questions on the second. The training is meant to help staff with the upcoming switch from E-prime to OpenSesame in the Research Master. sign up here
Why this Workshop?
Open-source Python based experiment builders have become increasingly popular among researchers and students at the FSW. With especially OpenSesame proving a viable alternative to E-prime for many, and being supported by SOLO (e.g. see our Wiki)
Partly in response, the Experimentation course for Research Master students will be switching from E-prime to Python and OpenSesame this academic year. E-Prime will remain available and will continue to be supported by SOLO. However, this switch will impact the experience and skills that RM students bring to thesis projects and other research activities.
SOLO therefore wants to help staff members gain some familiarity with OpenSesame, whether to be able to program tasks yourself, or to supervise students and Phd's who work with OpenSesame.
Days & Topics
Monday October 10th, 13.00-17.00 hr: Introduction to OpenSesame
Monday October 17th, 13.00-17.00 hr: Advanced topics and questions
FSW, Living Lab 1B01
- Be a staff-member of Psychology or Education and Child Studies.
- Please bring your own laptop (work or personal). If you are not able to, please inform us so that we arrange for one.
There are limited available spaces, which will be divided between Psychology and Education and Child Studies staff members, and be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis. So make sure to sign up here quickly if you wish to join! Note that if you joined as a beginner in the May workshop you are also welcome to join again on the 2nd day for more advanced topics and questions.
Important: if you have signed up but later decide to cancel, please let us know so we can offer your place to someone else!
For any questions please contact SOLO at