.Testing Template

Last modified by Iris Spruit on 2025/01/24 13:38



Make a copy of this template and rename it appropriately "[Current Year] Test [Version Number]", e.g. "2022 Test 21H2). Do the rest of the steps in that new page.

Test out the steps described below and mark the text green if it works, and red if it doesn't. In the latter case, also add description of the problem.

Sample tasks and scripts can be found on the J-drive in:

J:\departments\FSW\FAC\SOLO\Lab-support\001 Opdrachten\lopende projecten programmeurs\ALG - Windows Update Testing

Request Update on Test PC

Request the update to be installed on a test pc (one in 1B11). Using one of the older models is preferable as they are more likely to show issues. You can send to request to the ISSC (or to René Ouwerkerk, r.h.c.ouwerkerk@fsw.leidenuniv.nl), make sure to include the pc number of the test pc (found on the white sticker on the machine).

Make sure the check whether the update has actually been installed (e.g. right-click on "this pc" in file explorer and select properties).

Get Testing Hardware

Check the reservation calendar to see if there is hardware available (e.g. Biopac and eye-trackers) and reserve them if you expect to be using them for longer than an afternoon.

AcqKnowledge 5.0.2. (with Biopac MP150)

  • Start software
  • Create graph template
  • Start and stop measurement
  • Open ACQ file with double click

Biosemi ActiView 8.0.6

  • Start software

Eye Tracker Manager 2.1.0 (with Tobii X3-120 eye tracker)

  • Start software
  • Mapping
  • Calibration
  • Gaze visualization

Tobii Pro Lab 1.130 (with Tobii X3-120 eye tracker)

  • Start software
  • Screen based project made with different stimuli (still and moving image).
  • Make recording
    • Normal recording
    • Recording with moderator view on 2nd screen
  • Try data visualization tools
  • Export metrics and raw data to Excel.

Tobii Studio 3.4.8 (with Tobii X3-120 eye tracker)

  • Start software
  • Create task with different stimuli (still and moving image).
  • Make recording

Known prior issues: (eye tracker not found 20H2, )

OpenSesame 3.3.3

  • Start software
  • Rund sample tasks:
    • Basic
    • Audio + Video


  • Not tested, no VU-AMS available.


  • Open software
  • Run sample task (movieRT)


  • Start all E-Prime sub software (E-Studio, E-DataAid, etc).
  • Run sample tasks (movieRT, multiple monitors)
  • Test with dongle (and without network connection)
  • Test Chronos by chronos test task
  • Test EET using EET test task (with Tobii X3-120)

Known prior issues: (firewall problem 20H2, multiple monitors 20H2)